Thursday, January 22, 2009

All That and a Bag of Chips

So today in my english class, I was sitting with some of my best buddies and we decided to come up with a rap song about our Hall Nazi that "roams and protects" our school hallways. It is the funniest thing. One of the girls is black, she is the heart and soul of our new rap group. The other four of us are white. I'm not trying to be racist but that's just what we are. So we made up an entire song and we have a beat, some "fly" words and some serious gangsta (haha) attitude. All four of us "white girls" are now said to be "the blackest white girls ever seen." I don't know how many of ya'll can rap but you should try it sometime. I'd put the lyrics down but i don't want anyone stealing the proof of our genius-ness. So the rest of the day, we walked around with popped collars, hoods on, and a true gangster walk. We got in trouble for having our hoods up but it was sooooooooooo much fun. Our new favorite words and/or phrases are now holla!, We so fly!, Tell it to your mama!, and word. I love being weird.

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