Sunday, May 17, 2009

The End

It's finally here!! Only fourteen more days of school left until we're free to run wild. Well almost free. It's been a long year. It's about the time to start deciding what I'm going to do next year. What classes I'm going to take in high school, how much dance I'll be doing, what kind of dance I'll be doing, should I try out for the school musical, plus I've been asked to be the writing editor for the school yearbook staff next year and we'll be starting a school newspaper that I'll be in charge of editing as well. There's so much to decide. This is starting to sound like the christmas letters my mom sends out every year, but hopefully I get around to what I'm trying to write. Between all the drama, stress, heart break, and all the good times, it's been an interesting year. Eighth grade is not as fun as it sounds and I'm anxious to see if ninth grade will be any better. People always say that high school was the best three or four years of their life, and i'm hoping that it will be that way for me too. Hang in there for the last two weeks. It's almost over. :)

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