Monday, February 16, 2009

My Inconvenient Truth

For a while now I have been revealing to people that I am officially five feet one inch. Recently I have discovered that that is not true. Apparently, one of my friends just got measured in her health class and is 5'1" but she's taller than me. My little sister, however, is 4'11" and I am still a little taller than her which means I am about five feet tall. I put my bridesmaids dress on from my dad's wedding two years ago and it has not changed in size. It still fits me exactly the same way it did two years ago. So, sadly, I had to come to the realization that I have not grown since I was 12. I will be very space efficient for the rest of my life. I think I'm OK with that though. It'll be fun to be the shortest in my family (1 sister who's 11, 3 step sisters who are 18, 15, and 13, and a little half brother who's 5 but destined to be about six feet tall) even though I'm the third oldest and middle child. I can be small. My friends and I have decided that I am fun size. They range from King Size to Snack Size and I'm the smallest one. Lucky me.

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