Sunday, March 15, 2009

America the Beautiful

America is the land of opportunity. Lately it seems like it's the land of the choice between McDonald's or sitting at a desk, working nine to five for decent health insurance and enough money to provide basic necessities for growing families. When did society decide that money, fame, big houses, fancy cars, and perfect clothes was the base of humanity? You can't change the channel on t.v without seeing something telling you that you will not be happy or have a good life till you buy something or go somewhere. I now know what Miley Cyrus got for her sixteenth birthday (a little, white puppy named Sophie) and all about the Chris Brown and Rihanna argument. I could have gone my whole life without knowing that. America used to be based on free will, happiness, new opportunities, unity, and hard work. That's how our Founding Father's established it. Now it completely revolves around money. You can't get anywhere in this country without money. I wrote a whole paper on this in my U.S. History class. The more i researched and wrote, the more I realized what a turn our country has made. Maybe this economy will correct itself, maybe it won't. Who really knows? Until then, all we can do is hope to learn enough and find a way to do our part to help our country. Maybe this is too advanced for me to talk about or people don't want to hear about the "old ways", but I think people need to realize the kind of problems we're doomed for. America was founded for the people, by the people. Let's try and keep it alive for those who created it for us.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Feelings of Being Replaced

Have you ever had a moment where something you did just wasn't good enough? Everyone tells you how wonderful it is, you build up your confidence and take it to the one person who's opinion really matters only to find out that your best just wasn't perfect. You try. You work hard. You improve and learn then take what you learned and make it better, but when the time comes there is always someone who did it better. Sometimes that someone is a person who never had experience in your specific area but is the boss' "golden boy" and your out of the job. Everything you did no longer seems worthwhile. You watch as your hopes and dreams erode away and everything you worked so hard for dissapears. You can no longer see it in your future. You start to face the fact that it wasn't meant to be. Someone else was there to raise the bar higher and you just couldn't make it. You tried your best and you ended up replaced. What's worse than facing this yourself is having the "big man" tell you herself. Maybe it wasn't to you directly, but when your with a group of 3 other girls and she comes and says "I don't know how to say this without it being a little offensive but please try not to take it that way. I don't mean it like that at all. I just think that some of you are good at what you do, but not good enough to be an editor and teach people how to become master's in that area," you can't help but hurt a little. I thought I was doing it right. I thought I was doing it well. But I guess I was wrong. What do I do now? Is there anything I can do? Or have I failed? What more is there for me now that I no longer have what I wanted?